Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Why don't they believe miracles are REAL?

Where I live, most people don't actually believe in positivity and hope. They seriously consider those who are permanently optimistic as impractical and unrealistic. Transforming hopes and dreams into a tangible reality occurs only in films, stories and fairy tales, most of them think.

I've always known we have the power, strength and determination to attract whatever we set our sights on. I used to imagine myself having what I wanted, celebrating, laughing and preparing for the surely coming successful phase. Most of them used to warn me not to set high expectations so that I don't get disappointed! "Don't dream too much, Hana. Many have done their best before you and luck wasn't on their side."

Wondering why most people are so disheartening and discouraging, why they accuse the ones who have wide imaginations and big dreams of not being logical or even reasonable. Should we allow our souls to be negatively affected by all the horrible things we're going through? Should we accept to live without colors nor sounds just due to the ridiculous fear of being disappointed? Should we give up and keep waiting for someone or something to come and save us? Why do they want us to have a diminished view of our own extraordinary and innovative abilities? Why don’t they get convinced that they do contribute into making their lives, as well as ours, so pathetic, meaningless and empty by clinging so strongly to their pessimistic perspectives?

I've never ever taken their points of view into consideration. It's the sky where I used to hide my secrets, and I know it heard my whispers. The stars have always glittered and shone for me as though they were trying to tell me: "Yes. We do believe in what others can't fathom, exactly like you do". You know what? There's something like a heavenly superpower to support and uplift our spirits whenever we obstinately insist on getting whatever we concentrate on. I've always closed my eyes, taken a deep breath and smiled, that I've already known and wholeheartedly believed, deep in my heart and mind that it was just a matter of time, and wishes do come true no matter how long it may take.

I’ve fulfilled many of my dreams recently, and many of those who scoff at dreamers now look at me with weird glances as though their eyes tell: "Whatever you've achieved recently is a matter of luck." But what's luck? Why do we use the word “lucky” when talking about anyone who could do something others couldn’t manage to do?  Aren't we the ones who choose, decide and accomplish? Luck is something we actually make, basically based on the things we choose to attract and believe in. The magical words: "Nothing's impossible, I can and I will, great things are on their way, elation and joy are to surround you soon, it's just a matter of time, practice and patience," are all REAL, and they've the power to create miracles!

We’re what we think, what we expect and what we dream of. Never underestimate the power of the mind. It’s what actually keeps us self-motivated and determined regardless of what others think. We, dreamers, are to endeavor day and night to prove we’ve within us the ability to perform miracles and knock our socks off, and to send a message to whoever hasn’t ever tried to let go of restrictions in their minds that "The limit is not in the sky. The limit is the mind". We were all born with wings, so let's spread them unhesitatingly and fly.

"Believe something and the Universe is on its way to being changed. Because you've changed, by believing. Once you've changed, other things start to follow. Isn't that the way it works?"

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